If you would like to eat in a local restaurant to taste delicious Turkish cuisine we are going to recommend to you exactly the places in Selcuk where to eat. As you might already know, Turkish cuisine is very rich and you can’t finish eating even if you eat for a whole month straight!
So, for this reason, we have to recommend at least a few restaurants so you can try different kind of foods in Selcuk. Luckily for you, Selcuk and aegean area of Turkey is rich enough to produce all kinds of ingredients and animals. For this reason, most of the meals you will eat here will be fresh and locally produced foods.
Where to eat in Selcuk Ephesus
Let’s start giving you some pieces of advice on where to eat in Selcuk.
Of course, when we think about Turkish food, the first thing that comes to mind is the Turkish kebab! This little restaurant located just next to the Ephesus Archaeological museum and they give the best kebabs in town. They have many kinds of kebabs except Doner kebab, which you can find almost in every corner. Here you can taste less famous but more delicious kebabs. They even have a vegetarian kebab!

Selcuk Pidecisi
Selcuk Koftecisi
This Restaurant in Selcuk is maybe the oldest and most famous one. They are producing a special kind of Kebab that is called Kofte (Meatballs in English). It is minced meat with usually beef and small pieces of bread.
You can also check out what to do in Selcuk.
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